Local SEO Connects You To Neighbors
With Increased Website Traffic To Stay Top-Of-Mind!
With Increased Website Traffic To Stay Top-Of-Mind!
Local SEO Marketing Works!
While the Internet has given consumers access to Global Resources, the fact remains that many products and services can be found right in your own back yard. In addition, consumers get a certain sense of comfort knowing they can touch, feel, and interact with someone should they need assistance or support AFTER their purchase. And the fact that Plumbing, House Cleaning, Babysitting, Construction, and other home-related services cannot be EASILY outsourced means consumers STILL WANT and NEED access to local professionals like yourself. Our job is to make sure YOUR WEBSITE is tuned, optimized, and efficient so that when they search for you, you come up near (if not AT) the Top of the List!
Our Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Process
After completing a Local Search Profile, this initial phase is divided into two (2) portions: Competitive Research – What are your competitors ALREADY doing online to get the coveted top spots for the phrases you want to rank for? Keyphrase Research – What are the phrases that get the MOST search volume (monthly) AND have the LEAST amount of competitors trying to rank for those phrases?
By creating a complete Google+ Profile Page as well as a Facebook Business Page for your company, we enable the validation and vetting of your company in the eyes of the search engines. These 2 primary pages will serve as the Anchor Pages for the legitimacy of your business.
A Directory Citation is a listing of your company, products & services, as well as other information ABOUT your company on a 3rd-party website (i.e. Yelp, Yellow Pages, Manta, FourSquare, and others). We take great care to ensure ALL citations are created properly and without any discrepancy of information. Consistency is key here.
Now that we have the answers to the Research phase, we can determine the amount of time and effort per week and/or month required to rank YOUR site in the quickest manner, using nothing but legitimate and approved techniques. We also create a Strategic Plan which outlines the tasks to get you there.
There are MANY configuration settings which MUST be set properly in your current website in order to rank for specific phrases. During this phase of the project, we make sure to cover them ALL. **Its also important that your website be optimized for mobile (tablet & phone) devices.
Online reviews by current and past clients are a MAJOR LOCAL RANKING SIGNAL because it is someone else validating you, your company, and the product/services you provide. By making it easy for your clients to write reviews, you proactively enable their creation.
Your Customers Are Searching Online But Can’t Find You… Get Started TODAY!

With the EXPLOSION of mobile devices, YOUR CUSTOMERS are constantly looking online for your products and services. The convenience factor alone makes shopping SO EASY! Just think about how YOUR OWN shopping habits… Do you use the Internet to find locally businesses?
Does your website come up listed on the front page of results? Do you get a significant number of new customers from your website? If the answer is NO to either of these questions, then you will want to invest in the future success of your business by implementing Local Search Optimization TODAY!